Member Ranks and Groups

Member rankings

Member rankings are displayed as stars under your username in your posts and profile.
Rankings are awarded based on your activity on TZone, and are as follows:

Groups and Badges

Badges displayed beside your name according to which group you belong to.
By default, if you're a Newbie' you will not get a membership badge until you make enough posts to become a 'Junior Member'. All members that have a minimum of 5 posts belong to the 'Member' group.
If you are a DJ, Producer or an Artist, (link) »you can join a group respective to these titles and you will be given a yellow coloured username and unique badge for the choice that you pick.
Below are examples of what the badges look like and who's allowed to use them:

Regular Member - Anyone who contribues to TZone.

DJ - Disk jockeys.

Producer - People who create music.

Artist - Recording artists.

VIP - Invite only - given to users to post regularly. This status is watched by the TZone team and will be taken away if posting habits are not maintained.

Donor - Someone who has donated money to the TZone. Thank you!

Moderator - Members who moderate a particular category on TZone

Super Moderator - Members who are allowed to moderate all forum categories on TZone

Top Moderator - Only the best moderators who keep TZone in tip top shape

Administrator - The people who created TZone and keep it running.